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Ulema Database (uvt)

Ulema Database (UVT)

UVT (Ulema Veri Tabanı) – A Digital Prosopographical Application

Access Address: https://ulema.isam.org.tr/

Tabakat (biographical collections) have been a rich and prevalent genre in the Islamic world for over a thousand years, compiling detailed accounts of scholars, Sufis, poets, craftsmen, statesmen, and other notable figures. These collections provide insights into personal lives, education, relationships, and group histories, forming a key resource for researchers in prosopography.

Platform Features:

  • UVT aims to record and catalog biographical data from tabakat works throughout Islamic history.
  • Initiated in 2019 under the support of the Center for Islamic Studies (İSAM), UVT provides a searchable database of Muslim scholars and Sufis from diverse regions.
  • Unlike other similar projects, UVT developed a new platform from scratch, focusing on accurate, detailed, and event-centered data recording.
  • The pilot project began with the biographical work Eş-Şakâ’iku’n-Nu‘mâniyye and has since expanded to include works by Nev‘izâde Atâî, Şeyhî Mehmed Efendi, and Necmeddin el-Gazzi.