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Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine

Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine

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Once completed, the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine (IEU) will be the most comprehensive source of information in English on Ukraine, its history, people, geography, society, economy, and cultural heritage. At present, the IEU team is working on phase 1 of the project: the creation of an Internet database containing the revised and updated contents of the five-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine (University of Toronto Press, 1984-93) edited by Volodymyr Kubijovyc (vols. 1-2) and Danylo Husar Struk (vols. 3-5). Close to fifty percent of this information is currently displayed on our site. At the same time, a considerable number of new articles (not contained in the published five-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine) have also been made available. New entries are being edited, updated, and added daily. Our ability to update this information and the speed with which we can make it available to Internet users worldwide will greatly depend on the availability of financial resources for our project. You can greatly contribute to the success of the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine by supporting our work morally and financially. Become an IEU supporter! To learn more about our project, click on About IEU.

We invite you to search the materials currently available on this site. First, you may wish to click on the buttons located on the left side of the screen, such as "History" or "Land," to view currently available featured groups of entries, dedicated to particular topics. To search for particular names or entries, use the TITLE SEARCH box in the top right corner to locate entries such as "Kyivan Rus'," "Cossacks," "Carpathian Mountains," "Central Rada," "Archipenko, Alexander," "Bukovyna," "Khmelnytsky, Bohdan," "Ukrainians," and many others (type any part of a name or entry you are searching for). Alternatively, select one or several letters of the alphabet in the Index Search to view all available entries starting with the given letter or combination of letters. Navigate between entries through hyperlinks or by using "Next Entry" and "Previous Entry" buttons. We encourage you to use the Advanced Search functions to find information on subjects that do not yet have their own entries but are discussed in various other entries.