Ana Sayfa

Erişim adresi : is an internet portal for searching and browsing in authorized Greek digital scientific and cultural content. The National Documentation Centre (EKT, in Greek) develops and maintains the portal within the latter’s institutional role, which is to collect, organize, promote and disseminate the scientific and cultural production of the country, according to international standards and trends of the field and in keeping with the users’ current needs.

The user can, from a single access point, make a unified search in current and back issues of scientific journals, research papers, Ph.D. theses, undergraduate theses and master’s dissertations, photos, maps, etc. which cover a wide range of subjects, such as history, music, economics or marketing.

This content is held in various digital libraries, institutional depositories and collections on the Internet, but cannot easily be located by the conventional search engines. In addition, this content is dynamic and updated constantly. New collections are regularly appended to it, while the existing ones are weekly updated with the most recent additions and changes.

The collections come from authorized Greek and Cypriot agencies and institutions, such as universities, scientific institutions and associations, public libraries, museums, archives and foundations. The portal allows the collection of information for the digital content of the country in one unified portal, giving prominence to the institutions involved, their content and their work, thus contributing to search unification and facilitation for users’ benefit.