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Anthropological Index Online

Anthropological Index Online

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The Anthropological Index Online (AIO) is published by the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) in cooperation with Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum. It is an index to articles in journals taken by the Library and to films held at the Royal Anthropological Institute. The Library, which incorporates the former RAI library, holds some 4,000 periodical titles (1,500 current) covering all branches and areas of anthropology. Nearly 800 journals, published in more than 40 languages, are indexed on a continuing basis. Records cover 1957 to the present.

The Anthropological Index Online has received generous financial support from the William Buller Fagg Charitable Trust. The retrospective online conversion of earlier records was made possible by grants from the Getty Foundation, ESRC (UK), the Mellon Trust, the Pilgrim Trust and the Marsh Christian Trust. The main work of the conversion, completed in 2000, was undertaken by the UK Higher Education Digitisation Service (HEDS).