Test Hesabınıza uygun kullanıcı şifrenizi almak için (bir defaya mahsus olarak) Register kısmını seçerek ...............@subu.edu.tr veya .................@sakarya.edu.tr uzantılı e… Görüntüle →
Erişim adresi : http://www.vjol.info Vietnam Journals Online, a database of journals published in Vietnam, was officially launched in 2007 with support of INASP. It aims to promote scientific knowledg… Görüntüle →
Erişim adresi : https://www.sljol.info/ SLJOL is a database of journals published in Sri Lanka, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of SLJOL is to give greater visibility to… Görüntüle →
Erişim adresi : https://www.banglajol.info/ BanglaJOL is a database of journals published in Bangladesh, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of BanglaJOL is to give greater … Görüntüle →
Erişim adresi : https://www.mongoliajol.info/ MongoliaJOL is a database of journals published in Mongolia, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of MongoliaJOL is to give grea… Görüntüle →