Erişim adresi : Contains data from over 220 countries and country groups covering more than 2,000 financial, business, health, economic and human development statistics. Th…
Erişim adresi : The digitization project of the Bibliothque Nationale de France focusing on the cultural history of France and French speaking areas throughout the world. Contai…
Erişim adresi : Open Folklore, a partnership of the American Folklore Society and the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries, is a scholarly communications effort to make a…
Erişim adresi : OpenGrey, a multidisciplinary European database, combines the resources of major European information and document supply centres, and covers science, technolog…
Erişim adresi : OpenEdition serves the humanities and social sciences research communities through four complementary publication and information platforms in the humaniti…
Üniversitemize verilen kota her kullanımda azalmaktadır. Bittiği zaman ilave kota olmayacaktır. Kullanırken aşağıdaki hususları göz önünde bulundurmanızı rica ederiz. Sadece Doktor…